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1. “or Sheba” not “and Sheba” Joshua 19:2
2. “sin” not “sins” 2 Chronicles 33:19
3. “Spirit of God” not “spirit of God” Job 33:4
4. “whom ye” not “whom he” Jeremiah 34:16
5. “Spirit of God” not “spirit of God” Ezekiel 11:24
6. “flieth” not “fleeth” Nahum 3:16
7. “Spirit” not “spirit” Matthew 4:1
8. “further” not “farther” Matthew 26:39
9. “bewrayeth” not “betrayeth” Matthew 26:73
10. “Spirit” not “spirit” Mark 1:12
11. “spirit” not “Spirit” Acts 11:28
12. “spirit” not “Spirit” 1 John 5:8
13. “Geba” not “Gaba” Ezra 2:26
14. “ye” not “ye ye” Ezekiel 20:43
15. “every” not “ever” Matthew 25:29
16. “Of a truth” 1 Samuel 21:5
17. “throughly” not “thoroughly” 2 Timothy 3:17
18. “throughly” not “thoroughly” Psalm 51:2
19. “throughly” not “thoroughly” Genesis 11:3
20. “throughly” not “thoroughly” Job 6:2
21. “throughly” not “thoroughly” Jeremiah 6:9
22. “throughly” not “thoroughly” Jeremiah 7:5
23. “throughly” not “thoroughly” Jeremiah 50:34
24. “throughly” not “thoroughly” Ezekiel 16:9
25. “throughly” not “thoroughly” Matthew 3:12
26. “throughly” not “thoroughly” Luke 3:17
27. “throughly” not “thoroughly” 2 Corinthians 11:6
28. “afflictions” not “afflcitions” Hebrews 10:32
29. “Spirit” not “spirit” Isaiah 48:16
30. “Spirit” not “spirit” 2 Chronicles 18:23
31. “vision” not “vison” Jeremiah 23:16
32. “Masters" not "Master" Colossians 4:1
33. "thousand" not "thouand" Deuteronomy 32:30
34. "country." not "country" Mark 16:12
35. "Jordan, confessing" not "Jordan. confessing" Matthew 3:6
36. "imaginations" not "imagination" Romans 1:21
37. "The" not "he" Obadiah 1:1
38. "uncircumcised" not "un-circumcised" 2 Samuel 1:20
39. “seethe” not “see the” 2nd Kings 4:38 (Holman)
40. “on” the third day not “of” the third day Leviticus 7:17
41. “have” conceived not “hath” conceived Leviticus 12:2
42. “brought in bondage.” not “wrought bondage.” 2 Peter 2:19 (LCBP Small Pocket)
43. “in deaths oft.” not “in death oft.” 2 Corinthians 11:23 (Collins)
44. Fixed: “And they took all the spoil,” Numbers 31:11 (Collins)
45. Fixed: “or thou mayest sell it unto an alien:” Deuteronomy 14:21 (Collins)
46. “fetcheth a stroke” not “fetched a stroke” Deuteronomy 19:5 (Collins)
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